Devon Preston
November 8th, 2018
50 Best Female Tattoo Artists
These Female Tattoo Artists are Badass
While there are talented tattooers of all genders working around the world, today we’re highlighting 50 of the best female artists. Several decades ago, women in the tattoo industry were far more scarce than they are in 2018—with the industry heavily influenced by men. However, now there are hundreds of incredible and diverse female tattooers making an impact on tattoo culture. Take a look at 50 of the best female tattoo artists across all styles and genres in the gallery below—then let us know which artist on our list is your favorite in the comments section on Facebook.

Tattoo by @victoriado

Tattoo by @val_tatboo

Tattoo by @trudy_lines_tattoo

Tattoo by @teresasharpeart

Tattoo by @tatubaby

Tattoo by @sarahmillertattoo

Tattoo by

Tattoo by @sandradaukshtatattoo

Tattoo by @scragpie

Tattoo by @sambarbertattoo

Tattoo by @sabrinanolantattoos

Tattoo by @ryanashleymalarkey

Tattoo by @rosehardy

Tattoo by @rachelbaldwintattoo

Tattoo by @noratownsendtattoo

Tattoo by @nikkisimpsontattoos

Tattoo by @spinsterette

Tattoo by @miryamlumpini

Tattoo by @michelabottin

Tattoo by @megan_massacre

Tattoo by @meganjeanmorris

Tattoo by @lucybluetattoo

Tattoo by @linsdaybugbaker

Tattoo by @lea_ht2

Tattoo by @kellydotylovessoup

Tattoo by @kellyviolence

Tattoo by @kellymcgrathart

Tattoo by @katlinmalm_tattoo

Tattoo by @kshocs

Tattoo by @joicewangtattoos

Tattoo by @jackassica

Tattoo by @jennakerrtattoo

Tattoo by @jayjoree

Tattoo by @evakrbdk

Tattoo by @emily_rose_murray

Tattoo by @delaneyink

Tattoo by @deboracherrys

Tattoo by @deanna_art

Tattoo by @dariastahp

Tattoo by @pirojenko_tattoo

Tattoo by @bloodofwolves

Tattoo by @clairegriffintattoo

Tattoo by @chantellethongtattoo

Tattoo by @carolyn_elaine_tattoo

Tattoo by @missautumndancer

Tattoo by @mermaidsketches

Tattoo by @_rostra_

Tattoo by @amyedwardstattoo

Tattoo by @amanda_piejak

Tattoo by @alishagory
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