Devon Preston
October 24th, 2018
50 Breathtaking and Inspiring Mastectomy Tattoos for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Beautiful Ink
Since 1985, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month has been held between October 1st through the 31st. October became NBCAM as a partnership between the American Cancer Society and Britains Imperial Chemical Industries. The original intent of establishing NBCAM was to promote the effectiveness of mammogram, but today it does much more than that. Today, NBCAM works to raise awareness about the disease as well as raise money for research into its causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and of course, cure.

Many of the major breast cancer charities hold events every year, including the National Race For the Cure, Breast Cancer Today and the Susan G. Komen 3 Day. The Race For the Cure was first established in 1983, with over 800 participants in Dallas, Texas. By the new millennium, participants entered the millions and events were held in hundreds of international cities. Breast Cancer Today invites various two-day-long walks to be held to raise money for breast cancer research. One of the most famous walks is held by Avon, with participants walking 39-miles throughout the course of two days. Lastly, the Susan G, Komen 3 Day is a 60-mile walk held over three days. This walk benefits Susan G. Komen, the largest breast cancer research organization in the United States. Beginning in 1982, Susan G. Komen is one of the most famous charity organizations in America and today, it has over 100,000 volunteers.

In addition to charity organizations making an impact during NBCAM, companies like the NFL, Ulta and New Balance also work to raise awareness for Breast Cancer. However, did you know that the tattoo industry also plays an important role? That’s right, dozens of tattoo artists creates mastectomy tattoos that offer women who’ve experienced breast cancer a fresh start. We’ve collected and curated 50 of our favorite breast cancer tattoos from social media and it’s time you took a look at the best and brightest. Take a look at the gallery below to see 50 beautiful breast cancer tattoos and let us know your thoughts on this inspiring ink in the comments section on Facebook.
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