Inked Mag Staff
November 23rd, 2015
Check Out The New Freshly Inked With Rose Hardy
Every tattoo fan worth his salt is going to be lining up to grab a copy of the latest issue of Freshly Inked. While the issue won’t be hitting newsstands…

Every tattoo fan worth his salt is going to be lining up to grab a copy of the latest issue of Freshly Inked. While the issue won’t be hitting newsstands until next week, we at Inked thought you deserved to take a peek at what you have to look forward to. Cover artist Rose Hardy talks to us about how she came to find her signature style and her preference for doing large scale work. And once you hear all about how the charming artist from New Zealand does her art you’ll get the opportunity to browse through some of her best pieces.
Joining Hardy in the issue is a murderer’s row of amazing artists specializing in every style of tattooing that you can imagine. We’re featuring art and interviews from Chris Block, Sean Foy, Jamie Lee Parker, Mumia, Sergey Shanko and many more. But, don’t take our word for it, look through the gallery below to check out a preview of the new issue!
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