Devon Preston
November 12th, 2018
Criminal Justice Reform or First Amendment Violation—LAPD Cracks Down on Officers with Racist Ink
Los Angeles is Coming Down on Racist Tattoos
Over the last several decades, there have been a number of cases that have led many to believe that there is racial bias within the United States’ police force. From the murder of civilians like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin to the racial profiling instituted in stop and frisk—there have been many instances of police brutality that some suggest are rooted in systemic racism. In some instances, these acts are allegedly being committed by neo-nazi and white supremacy gangs that exist in secret within the LA police force—as seen through the Vikings gang of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. Take a look at how a superior court judge is attempting to find existing gang members at Los Angeles county’s Compton station below and let us know what you think about this controversial debate in the comments section on Facebook.

A superior court judge has recently ordered the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department to reveal the names of police deputies who have a specific skull tattoo design. These tattoos, which feature a skull with a military helmet, riffle and flames, have been linked to a notorious neo-nazi gang within the Los Angeles Police Department’s Compton station.
In an effort to crack down on secret societies within the Los Angeles Police Department, Superior Court Judge Michael P. Vinencia is pushing have the department interrogate officers about their tattoos in order to determine which deputies are involved with the gang.
There have been many people who have fought against Vincencia, including county attorney Chandler Parker who believes the questioning to be an inappropriate invasion of an officer’s privacy.

The Vikings gang first surfaced approximately 30 years ago and has been affiliated with various police stations throughout Los Angeles, including Lynwood. They’ve been linked to a number of crimes against the African-American community, including the 2016 murder of Donta Taylor.

Earlier this year, a deputy involved in Taylor’s shooting admitted to having the notorious skull tattoo. He also stated that there are “as many as 20 police officers at the Compton station who have the same tattoo.”

What do you think about this controversial investigation? Do you think that the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department has the right to interrogate it’s deputies about their tattoos? Or do you think that questioning is a necessary step to ensuring the safety and lives of Los Angeles residents? Share your thoughts, opinions and questions in the comments section on Facebook.
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