Devon Preston
October 16th, 2018
Meet the Tattooers of How Far is Tattoo Far
Take a Look at the Artists Behind Your New Tattoo Obsession
In November of 2016, MTV introduced a brand new tattoo series in the United Kingdom called Just Tattoo of Us. Starring British reality stars Charlotte Crosby, Stephen Bear, and Scotty T, the show introduced the dark side of friendship tattoos through the lens of revenge. Instead of highlighting the happy and inspiring couple tattoo stories previously shared by sites like Buzzfeed—the show instead allows participants to choose the worst ink imaginable for their friends, family, and significant others. The only trick is that they too will allow their partner to put whatever they want on their body and can only see the design when it is permanently inked on the body.

The UK show took off in its first season, causing international controversy and discussion of the premise. However, despite earning some of the worst ink imaginable, contestants continued to fill out the roster and new levels of cringe were committed in the name of revenge tattoos. And if you don’t believe that these tattoos are next level, let’s remind you of some previous pieces. From a tampon on a woman’s inner thigh to a handful of STD labels spread across a man’s torso—these tattoos aren’t something that anyone would want on their body. But, despite the risk, the show is more popular than ever.
And because of the international success of the UK series, MTV has recreated the concept for their American audience and has brought on two huge celebrity hosts: Nicole ‘Snooki’ LaValle of Jersey Shore and Nico Tortorella of TV Land’s Younger.

In addition to the show’s celebrity hosts, How Far is Tattoo Far also features some seriously talented tattooers. These artists have come from around the country to show off their tattoo chops and its time you met this half dozen artists. Take a look at the gallery below to see the six artists representing How Far is Tattoo Far, then let us know what you think of the U.S. reboot of this UK sensation?
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