Devon Preston
November 21st, 2018
Only Tattooers Will Identify with These Dank Memes
If You're Not a Tattooer, You Won't Relate to These Fire Memes
Like in every industry, tattoo artists have developed their language based on a set of shared experiences. Over time, these shared experienced have been celebrated and discussed through a variety of distinct mediums—from tattoo magazines to chatrooms and now on social media. And while each forum for tattooers to express their thoughts and opinions holds it’s own, it’s fair to say that memes have become the most engaging, diverse and relatable communication tool between tattooers around the world.
And when it comes to memes in the tattoo industry, no one does it better than Oklahoma artist Randy Randerson. Randerson is the curator of the popular Instagram page, Monday Malarkey, which features memes exclusively created by tattoo artists for tattoo artists. However, despite being marketed within the inner circle, we think that it’s time the masses took a peek at the memes taking the tattoo industry by storm. Who knows, you may even learn a thing or two about how to be a better client! Are you a bammer Kelsey or a typical Tammy? Find out the truth through 50 of the page’s most recent (and most fire) memes in the gallery below. Then let us know your thoughts, opinions and questions in the comments section on Facebook.

Every tattoo shop has this one dude, who’s yours?

“Fraid not tatter tot.”

The myth of the disappearing stencil.

You’ll know a good guest shop when you find it.

Bold will hold, am I right?

There’s nothing like missing your best bud at the shop.

Are you a bulbasaur or an evee?

When you enter the tattoo matrix.

Do I look like I give a flying fuck?

The guy who never leaves the shop, #nodaysoff.

Pinterest will be the death of me.

“Two words. Paid Vacation.”

I didn’t ask to see that.

This shit drives tattooers crazy.

Stay back, he’s not worth it.

Lemme get my cash.

Those tattoos are photoshopped, for the Bible tells me so.

RIP Dale.

We love Tatter Tots.

Not Tammy again.

Did I lock up the shop?

There’s nothing worse than a puking client.

Piercers have the dirtiest jobs.

They say there’s a haunted tattoo shop in every town.

Cash or bust.

Please be a no show.

This client is straight up savage.

Miss me with responsibility.

There’s nothing worse than using someone else’s tubes.

Bring on the bills.

Every artist knows a Tammy or two.

Not another gift card.

Tattooers are straight up scientists, am I right?

That man looks like he could drink peanut butter.

Tattoo shop=scab temple.

Safety meetings are love hate.

Insert conspiracy theory music.

Why isn’t this tattooer killing the gram?

Every tattooer makes mistakes from time to time.

I didn’t ask to be in the group photo.

One word: suspicious.

My neck, my back…they’re fuckin’ wack.

Y’all need to chill.

*cries in stencil solution.*

Imma ask you one more time…GTFO.

“No, lay on your other stomach.”

What even is tracing?

My ride or die client.

When they hit you with a Pinterest tat.

Rubber Skin wasn’t on my agenda today.
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