Devon Preston
November 26th, 2018
This Makeup Artist Can Transform Into Any Tattoo
Take a Look at Her Tattoo-Inspired Makeup Looks!
While many artists take inspiration from nature, music or life experience, other times they find a focus from fellow artists. Art movements begin when artists become inspired by each other and the exchange of creativity is especially magical when it crosses between distinctive genres.
In the past, we’ve seen a number of makeup artists on social media take inspiration from classic fine-art—however, this may be one of the first times we’ve discussed beauty influencers recreating tattoos in real life.
One Instagram user, who goes by the alias @rougeandroses, has created a brand recreating tattoo designs and flash on her flash. She’s replicated a number of popular pieces across a variety of tattoo genres, from neo traditional to new school, over the past year. Take a look at some of our favorite looks she’s created with the original tattoo inspiration in the gallery below. Then, let us know your thoughts and questions about her work in the comments section on Facebook!

The dusty blue rose is totally stunning. Tattoo by @scastro29

We’re green with envy over this design. Tattoo by @deboracherrys

This flash piece is killer. Tattoo by @dan_gagne

Spooky yet sweet at the same time. Tattoo by @sammyvanhiggins

This witch is completely brilliant. Rattoo by @murielzaotattoo

What’s not to love about a cowboy vampire? Tattoo by @dustyneal

The intricate details in this piece are impeccable. Tattoo by @isnardbarbosa

She captures the cold warmth of this design. Tattoo by @oash_tattoo

Pretty in profile, don’t you think? Tattoo by @primm_

Surrealism is no big challenge for the beauty expert. Tattoo by @daggerface

This design made us do a double take! Tattoo by @kellydotylovessoup

The perfect Halloween look from a gorgeous tattoo. Tattoo by @ickabrams

You can’t go wrong with a stunning galaxy number. Tattoo by @hannahflowers_tattoos

Simple yet unsettlingly satisfying. Tattoo by @tattoosbysantiago

An unusual tattoo that makes a beautiful design. Tattoo by @bendeadtattoos

We love this tattoo reimagined for real life. Tattoo by @moira.ramone

Blue is beautiful, am I right? Tattoo by @greenbaybully

Glamorous and gorgeous. Tattoo by @katabdy

A touch of black-and-grey and we’re hooked. Tattoo by @ruben_pita_tattoo

Creative craftsmanship. Tattoo by @selinactattoo

Gory, gruesome and a great choice.Tattoo by @mattitude

This geode is out of this world. Tattoo by @deadmeat

We’re living for the full body fantasy. Tattoo by @lucybluetattoo

This look is wise beyond it’s years. Tattoo by @babyknowles

Satan’s Girl is ready to party. Tattoo by @lucybluetattoo

Shine bright, because you’re a star. Tattoo by @lizzietattoo

Unique and totally unforgettable. Tattoo by @canti___

Tattoos on tattoos on tattoos! Tattoo by @jessbakertattoo

Magically delicious. Tattoo by @alexandrafische

Hauntingly beautiful. Tattoo by @primm_

Fierce, fabulous and fashionable. Tattoo by @daniellerosetattoo

This look is avant-garde yet utterly amazing. Tattoo by @lilianraya
What do you think about these ink-redible makeup creations? Are you impressed by her craftsmanship and creativity? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments section on Facebook.
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