Inked Mag Staff
September 1st, 2016
Ruby Rose Got the Most Colorful Tattoo Possible
Ruby Rose’s New Back Tattoo Has All the Colors of the Rainbow And Then, Like, 50 more. Ruby Rose is pretty much the master when it comes to tattoos, and the…

Ruby Rose’s New Back Tattoo Has All the Colors of the Rainbow And Then, Like, 50 more.
Ruby Rose is pretty much the master when it comes to tattoos, and the Australian model, DJ and Orange is the New Black actress debuted a new tattoo on her back this week that is truly a work of art. While Rose has yet to reveal the meaning behind her impressive tattoo of a giant color swatch, the 30-year-old has said in the past that each tattoo of hers is symbolic in its own way, and that she loves them all the same. “It’s not like I have one specific one that I like better than any of the others, but they all serve a purpose. My body is a canvas and it’s like I have a journal from [when I was] 16 to now, and I can trace a timeline of my life from where I’ve been […] to where I am today by looking at this map on my body.”
Ruby Rose’s new tattoo is inked in the middle of her back, just below her “Nothing Takes Away the Past Like the Future” tat, and features a Pantone-style series of color blocks marked with tiny numbers, from 1 to 64, much like the swatches you might find in the paint section of Home Depot and other home improvement stores. Rose revealed her new tattoo on Instagram on August 29, and captioned the photo, “Guys Home Depot is trying to save paper…So now you can order me and I will stand facing your wall until you pick the color you like. I’ll even stand facing the wall as you have breakfast and as you’re watching tv at night so you can see the colors at different times. Offer limited. Conditions apply *this is a completely false ad.”
This new tattoo on Ruby Rose’s back joins dozens and dozens (and dozens) of other pieces she has inked all over her body, including a tattoo of Leonardo from the Teenage Mutant NinjaTurtles on her arm, the phrase “…And breathe me” on her neck, a vintage-style skeleton key tattoo on her elbow, and a tattoo scrawled across her knuckles that reads “JUST LOVE.” During a 2010 interview with Inked Magazine, Rose admitted that she had lost count of her tattoos, but that she estimated the number to be somewhere in the 30s. In 2015, the actress told Conan O’Brien that her ink count had reached the 60s.
Ruby Rose may have been joking when she tried to sell her new back tattoo as a Home Depot paint color chart, but the ink actually does feature a wide assortment of colors one may want to include in a tattoo, from shades of green and blue to bright hues of purple, yellow and orange, and even black, although there is actually an infinite variety of colors that can be used in tattooing. So, not only is Ruby Rose’s back tattoo appealing to the eye, it’s also very practical, and if the whole actress thing doesn’t work out for her, she can always start booking gigs as a life-sized paint swatch.

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