Devon Preston
February 9th, 2021
The Best Beatles Tattoos From ‘Across the Universe’
As we look forward to Fab4ConJam we ask, would you rock a Beatles tattoo?
In 2009, Global Beatles Day was established as a means of “honoring and celebrating the phenomenon and ideals of the Beatles, collectively and individually, for their gifts to the world including, but not limited to, their promotion of peace and love, of truth and youth, and of the expansion of human consciousness.” GBD was set on June 25th, to commemorate the band performed “All You Need is Love,” in 1967 on television, which was broadcast in over 26 countries and watched by 400 million people.
While Global Beatles Day might not be happening for a couple of months, Beatlemaniacs don’t need to wait to participate in a really cool event celebrating everybody’s favorite Liverpudlians. Fab4ConJam is happening on 2/20 and 2/21, featuring two full days of discussions and live music. Enter the promo code “Inked” when you purchase your tickets to save $2.
Go grab your tickets for Fab4ConJam—and don’t forget that promo code—then click back over here to celebrate the life and legacy of The Beatles by taking a peek at some of our favorite tattoos inspired by the band.
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