Inked Mag Staff
November 24th, 2020
Once Upon a Time There Were 15 Magical Tattoos
What was your favorite fairy tale growing up?
For centuries, parents have helped their children fall asleep through telling fairy tales before bed. And many of these fairy tales are stories that we still know and love today. Originating throughout England, Denmark, Germany and other nations, these stories have stood the tests of time and many of them have been re-imagined into feature films (or at least animated shorts). Take a look at 15 tattoos inspired by 15 of the most popular fairy tales from around the world in the gallery below, then let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section on social media.
Hansel and Gretel
Date: 1812
Origin: Germany
Author(s): Brother’s Grimm
Three Billy Goats Gruff
Date: 1841
Origin: Norway
Authors: Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe

Little Red Riding Hood
Date: 17th Century
Origin: France
Author(s): Charles Perrault
Date: 1812
Origin: Germany
Author(s): Brother’s Grimm
Jack and the Beanstalk
Date: 1807
Origin: England
Author(s): Benjamin Tabart, rewritten by Joseph Jacobs in 1890
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Date: 1837
Origin: England
Author(s): Robert Southey
The Frog Prince
Date: 1812
Origin: Germany
Author(s): Brother’s Grimm
Date: 1812
Origin: Germany
Author(s): Brother’s Grimm

The Three Little Pigs
Date: 1890
Origin: England
Author(s): Joseph Jacobs
The Ugly Duckling
Date: 1843
Origin: Denmark
Author(s): Hans Christian Andersen
Puss in Boots
Date: 1697
Origin: Italy
Author(s): Giovanni Francesco Straparola
The Gingerbread Man
Date: 1875
Origin: United States
Author(s): St. Nicholas Magazine
The Monkey’s Paw
Date: 1902
Origin: England
Author(s): W.W. Jacobs
Stone Soup
Date, Origin and Author(s): Unknown
Peter and the Wolf
Date: 1936
Origin: Russia
Author(s): Sergei Prokofiev
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