Devon Preston
March 4th, 2019
Meet Quest G: From Cancer Survivor to Tattooed Entrepreneur
Ever wanted to ask a collector what their tattoos mean? Find out the truth from Quest G
While we’re able to observe and enjoy someone’s tattoos at every moment via social media, its not everyday that a collector opens up about the meanings behind their ink. Sure, not every tattoo enthusiasts collects pieces for meaning and many have impressive collections that simply serve aesthetic purposes. However, for Quest Gulliford, he truly shares who he is with his extensive collection of tattoos.

We had the opportunity to learn more about Gulliford’s bodysuit, from his very first piece, which he received at the age of 16, to his most recent face tattoo, that happens to be girlfriend’s name.

Take a look at Quest G’s tattoo tour in the gallery below to learn why won’t cover up the tattoos he got for his exes, what his mom thought about his first face tattoo, and how surviving cancer changed his outlook on life.
And if you’re looking to take a closer look at some of his body art, keep on scrolling!

What do you think about this collector’s tattoos? Would you get a tattoo to inspire a friend? Would you cover up a tattoo for an ex? Do you prefer color or black-and-grey ink? Let us know your thoughts on this video in the comments section.
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