Devon Preston
November 12th, 2020
Discover Your Destiny with Tarot Card Tattoos
Find out your fate and explore divination through tattoos.
Tarot cards have been used for divination for centuries and today, many individuals continue to look to them for insight. Tattoo collectors from around the world have found an affinity to tarot reading and have developed special connections with specific cards. Take a look at our break down of the Major and Minor Arcana illustrated through tattoos in the gallery below, then let us know your favorite tarot card in the comments section on social media.
Major Arcana
The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards that are the foundation of the deck. They tell a story of human enlightenment, beginning with the naive Fool and ending with the fulfilled World. Each card has a distinctive meaning, which changes depending on if the card is drawn upright or in reverse.
The Fool
Upright: New beginnings, adventures, opportunities and possibilities.
Reversed: A bad decision, thoughtlessness and hesitation.
The Magician
Upright: Creativity, originality and skill.
Reversed: Insecurity and lack of creativity.
The High Priestess
Upright: Knowledge, wisdom and learning.
Reversed: Ignorance, lack of understanding and repression of intuition.
The Empress
Upright: Development, accomplishment and motherhood.
Reversed: Indecision, dependence and inaction.
The Emperor
Upright: Authority, aggression and fatherhood.
Reversed: Tyranny, immaturity and lack of stability.
The Hierophant
Upright: Tradition, conformity and compassion.
Reversed: Unconventionality, rebellion and vulnerability.
The Lovers
Upright: Love, harmony and duality.
Reversed: Imbalance, unreliability and disharmony.
The Chariot
Upright: Perseverance, willpower and journey.
Reversed: Lack of control, failure and aggression.
Upright: Strength, courage and bravery.
Reversed: Weakness, insecurity and pettiness.
The Hermit
Upright: Search for truth, concentration and patience.
Reversed: Rashness, foolishness and immaturity.
The Wheel of Fortune
Upright: Destiny, change and fate.
Reversed: No control, loss and bad luck.
Upright: Truth, reason and balance.
Reversed: Dishonesty, bias and unfairness.
The Hanged Man
Upright: Sacrifice, release and rebirth.
Reversed: Stalling, resistance and false prophecies.
Upright: Transformation, ends and new beginnings.
Reversed: Immobility, fear of change and decay.
Upright: Patience, harmony and fusion.
Reversed: Extremes, imbalance and conflict.
The Devil
Upright: Addiction, temptation and ambitions.
Reversed: Freedom, release and enlightenment.
The Tower
Upright: Disaster, massive change and chaos.
Reversed: Fear of change and personal transformation.
The Star
Upright: Faith, optimism and hope.
Reversed: Disappointment, bad luck and insecurity.
The Moon
Upright: Unconsciousness, illusion and intuition.
Reversed: Confusion, fear and repressed emotion.
The Sun
Upright: Success, positivity and joy.
Reversed: Unhappiness, doubt and negativity.
Upright: Reflection, renewal and reckoning.
Reversed: Doubt, self-loathing and lack of awareness.

The World
Upright: Completion, harmony and accomplishment.
Reversed: Lack of closure and imperfection.
Minor Arcana
While the Major Arcana teach us big picture lessons, the 56 Minor Arcana cards shed light on our daily experiences. They’re split into four suits: wands, cups, swords and pentacles. Each suit has 14 cards (the same as a standard deck of playing cards) and each suit relates to a different life experience.
These cards represent energy, motivation, passion, creativity and inspiration.

These cards represent emotions, relationships, intuition and connections.

These cards represent action, power, truth and thoughts.

These cards represent material possessions, money, work and career.
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