Devon Preston
May 10th, 2019
These Are the Most Popular Tattoo Trends From Every Decade
Do you prefer the tattoo trends of the 80s, 90s, or 2000s?
Here at Inked, we primarily focus on tattoo trends on the present, there’s no harm in taking a look back at designs that informed the past. In fact, who knows where we’d be today as a tattoo society if not for these famous (and in some cases, infamous) trends? Take a look at the most popular tattoo trends from the 1900s and onward, then let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section.

Prior to the 20th century, the major tattoos trends came from the First Nations, Polynesian, and Japanese people. It wasn’t until the late 1800s that the Western people began tattooing on their own.

Between the years 1900 and 1930s, bold, graphic, and most importantly, black tattoos ruled the New York Bowery. Artists like Gus Wagner, Tattoo Lou, and Maud Wagner helped establish the styles in decades to come.

World War II had a huge impact on tattooing, with Sailors like Sailor Jerry taking inspiration from tattooers in Japan and bringing their techniques Stateside.

By the 1950s, color was alive and well in tattoo shops. This was the decade Sailor Jerry’s American traditional truly came into its own and became the style we still appreciate today.

In the late 1960s, singer Janis Joplin got a wrist band tattoo and became one of the first tattooed celebrities in history. This tattoo was considered the first mainstream tattoo trend, with hundreds copying her iconic design following her death in 1970.

The prodigy of Sailor Jerry, Ed Hardy made it his mission to bring irezumi to the West. He worked closely with the Horis and even showed Horiyoshi III how to use an electric machine.

Punk ruled the 1980s and these headbangers flocked to body art that complimented their teased hair and bold body jewelry. The 80s also introduced cartoon tattoos to the masses, which led to the prominent 90s style known as New School.

Perhaps the most infamous decade in tattoo history, the 1990s brought more ink than ever before. From tribal arm bands to tramp stamps, even A-listers like Pamela Anderson and Johnny Depp rocked ink in the 90s.

While lingering trends from the 1990s made their way into the 2000s, there were many trends from this era which came into their own. Stars were a huge trend during this time, especially nautical stars.

The 2010s has by far been the most saturated decade for tattoo trends and it was challenging to pin point one fad that’s ruled the past ten years. However, if we had to decide, we’d settle on micro tattoos which, whether you love them or hate them, have defined tattooing in this decade.
What do you think about the most popular tattoo trends from the past? Let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section.
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