‘Scooby-Doo’ Tattoos Worth Investigating
January 7, 2021
Check out these tattoos of everybody's favorite meddling kids
Theatrical Tattoos for 15 Famous Broadway Musicals
January 7, 2021
Do you have a favorite Broadway musical?
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Out of This World Alien Tattoos
June 8, 2020
While we have to wait to see if actual aliens have tattoos of us, here are some amazing alien tattoos belonging to the inhabitants of Earth.
Hayden Panettiere Shows Off a New(ish) Tattoo
June 8, 2020
The "Nashville" star made her Instagram public over the weekend, and one of her first posts was a picture of a tattoo on the back of her neck.
Training for a Post-Lockdown World
June 5, 2020
We spoke with Ben Pfeiffer, CEO of Indigo Medical Training, about airborne pathogen training and how it could help the tattoo industry.
Slithering Snake Tattoos
June 3, 2020
Ever since a snake got up to no good in the Garden of Eden, the slithery creatures have held our imagination.
Lady Gaga’s Massive Pre-Grammys Metallica Tattoo — Real or Fake?
February 22, 2017
Gaga’s got a massive back tattoo! But, is it real, though? Lady Gaga’s performance alongside Metallica at the 59th annual Grammy Awards on February 12 was a highly-anticipated event, especially…
Husband’s Marriage Destroyed After His Drunken Decision to Get THIS Tattoo
February 21, 2017
After a late night with a few drinks Stuart Valentino decided it was a good idea to tattoo himself. Spoiler Alert: it wasn't.
Excellent Hand Tattoos
February 17, 2017
Hand tattoos are really difficult pieces to work: working around the fingers, clients understandably squirming from the pain when the artist hits the knuckle area, and the pressure of being…
Cool & Creepy-Crawly Bug Tattoos
February 17, 2017
Be careful, these tattoos might really “bug” you. OK, bad jokes aside, we gathered up a bunch of tattoos of the creepy crawly insects and bugs that surround us at…
Tom Brady Fan Gets Portrait Tattoo of the Super Bowl Champ on his Butt
February 17, 2017
An extremely dedicated Tom Brady fan got a tattoo of the Super Bowl champ on his ass! You can’t make this stuff up. Some dude walked into a Boston area…
Drake May Be Planning a Cover Up for His Camo Shark Tattoo
February 16, 2017
After calling it quits with Rihanna, it seems that Drake is trying to rid himself of the matching tattoo he got with RiRi. Drake must have thought that his relationship…
Instagram Crush: Miss Psycho Cat
February 16, 2017
Inked put together a photo gallery of the blue-haired, blue-eyed, and all-around beautiful pin-up model Miss Psycho Cat. Feast your eyes on this purrrfect girl!
Philly Pro Soccer Team Hiring an Official Tattoo Artist
February 16, 2017
A new position was just created on one of the Major League Soccer teams: Chief Tattoo Officer! The pro soccer team known as the Philadelphia Union is looking to fill…
Louis Tomlinson Got a Weird Tattoo on his Ass
February 16, 2017
Louis Tomlinson has a tattoo on his ass. And, of all things, it’s a tattoo of a penguin wearing headphones. Now we can honestly say that we’ve seen it all.…