Inked Mag Staff
October 9th, 2018
Survival Secrets To Winning A Street Fight!
When There is No Other Choice, But To Fight! By Jimbo Curley CEO, Got some fight tips that can put you ahead of 99% of most other guys on…
When There is No Other Choice, But To Fight!
By Jimbo Curley CEO,
Got some fight tips that can put you ahead of 99% of most other guys on the streets today – even if you’ve NEVER been in a fight before in your life.
What I’m sharing with you isn’t guess work. It’s proven through our intensive research of FBI white papers, violent crime reports and of course by being in the self-defense industry for over 30 years — teaching average guys simple shortcuts to fighting and winning.
Our instructors are some of the most skilled and dangerous men on the planet, including Navy SEALS, pit fighters, DELTA Operatives, seasoned streetfighters, (with hundreds of fights under their belt), and other steely-eyed killers that no sane person would mess with.
We chose guys who can not only fight, but who can also teach their most badass secrets.
Before I get into any specific fighting techniques, there are some things you need to know.
I’ll start with three “fight myths” that have been floating around for years. Here they are:

Myth #1: A Black Belt Wins. Not necessarily. An experienced street fighter, or even a regular guy who understands some simple nasty tricks, can often beat a dojo trained fighter. Now I don’t like to “knock” the martial arts. We owe them a debt of gratitude. But it’s a discipline — an “art” if you will. Nothing wrong with that. But your typical street fight is anything but artful. Unlike boxing or MMA match fighting, on the streets there are NO rules. Your life will be on the line, and your one goal should be to end the fight in a couple seconds with YOU on top, no matter what it takes.

Myth #2: The 5-Minute Fist Fight. Hollywood has got this wrong. Stats show you’re your average street fight lasts for no more than 3 to 8 seconds. Which means you have very little time to recognize what’s going on and take decisive action to win. The key is what you do in the time leading up to that 3 to 8 seconds burst. Here’s a hint: Hit first if you can. Research shows that the person who hits first usually wins.

Myth #3: The Convenient Fighting Environment. Dojo training often lulls one into the sense that you’ll always have plenty of fighting room… that your opponent will calmly approach you, bow, and ask if you’re ready… and that the ground will always be nicely padded. The reality is different. I’ve found that most fights occur in tight quarters (a bathroom, between cars, etc), with little or no room for flying kicks or fancy moves. They’ll be little or no light, furniture in the way, and rough concrete floors to strip meat off your bones. Ouch!
Okay… enough myths. Here’s the single most important piece of advice I can offer you in this short article. Stay with me here. This is REALLY important. Ready? Here it is:
Forget about fancy techniques. Instead concentrate on target acquisition.
In other words, if your opponent has his hands up in a boxing position don’t go for his head. That target is not open. You’d be far more effective with a crudely executed kick to his leg or nut sack. If he drops his hands, his head and neck now become open targets.

Always view your opponent as a group of vulnerable targets, and then take advantage of the most exposed targets as quickly as possible by any means necessary. It’s a rookie mistake to think about specific moves before seeking out a target.
Which means, assuming you’re facing a definite threat, your first question should be: “What is my target?” After striking that target, the follow up question is: “What is my next target?”
Do not pause to see what effect your strikes are having. Keep going until the threat has ended or you have the chance to get the hell outta there.
If you want to get real good, real fast, learn striking techniques for specific targets. Good targets include the eyes, throat, solar plexus, the side of the neck, the groin, inside knee, and the outside thigh.
There’s more, but that a good start.
In terms of techniques, an inexperienced fighter will typically have 2 moves. A right hand “haymaker” and a left hand “haymaker”.
I think you can do better than that. Because, after countless interviews with some of the most accomplished fighters on the planet, I discovered that ALL of them were very quick to see open targets, (or to make them open), then unleash an arsenal of techniques to attack those open targets.
Which means you should learn at least a few dozen ways to attack your adversary’s targets in each of the “four ranges” of fighting, including:
- Long Range – pick up on 3 good long kicks.
- Medium range – choose 3 good punches eye jabs and short kicks.
- Close Range – Knees, elbow strikes, and fight-ending headbutts. Most of these moves mean instant knockout.
- Grappling – Surprisingly, research shows that most fights don’t go to the ground, but are ended from a standing position. But of course it does happen, so you need to have some ground skills.
TRS has produced some 200+ videos covering multiple techniques in each of these ranges, so obviously I can’t cover everything here. But here are some moves for the first three ranges.
Long Range: The Sciatic Nerve Kick.
Mike Goldbach is a FightFast instructor who — though he looks like a normal guy with no great size, strength or agility — retired as a light heavyweight kickboxer without ever being defeated or having his championship taken away.

He’s a big fan of the thigh kick. Hitting the area on the back of the leg where the Sciatic Nerve runs produces an immensely painful “charley horse” that can bring even a large man to his knees, unable to walk.
This turns out to be a higher-percentage strike than a groin kick, (the classic “sack-attack”), mainly because most men can quickly drop their hands and close their thighs to protect the family jewels.
Unfortunately many “store-front” martial art classes teach women to kick men “in the balls”. It looks easy in the movies, but if the attacker has taken an aggressive stance, it’s a difficult target.
The side/back of the leg on the other hand is usually wide open — which makes the Sciatic Nerve kick a shockingly effective move.
Medium Range: The Eye Jab.
This is not the 3 Stooges. It’s really just a technique to help you either escape or transition into the more devastating Close Range (sometimes called “Trapping” range).

Flicking at the eyes is much quicker and easier than throwing a punch, and at the very least it will produce a “flinch” response. Even if you miss his eyes, he will still blink as part of an autonomic nervous system response. Gives you a second or two to make your next move.
If you manage to touch or scratch the eyeballs, they will immediately water and blur his vision severely. That gives you a little more time.
And if you hit the bullseye with a full jab, you may just take the fight out of him and end it right there. You walk away. You win. As a U.S. Special Forces vet and FightFast instructor put it: “I know a lot of guys who can take a lot of pain. But nobody can ‘tough-out’ an eye-jab.”
If he’s still a threat, well, then you need a finishing move.
Close Range: The Head Butt.
One of the most effective and devastating finishing moves is the head-butt. As FightFast instructor and Navy SEAL trainer Paul Vunak teaches, you can do it wrong and still end the fight.

Your head has the approximate weight and solidness of a bowling ball, and by simply smashing your upper forehead against the face of your opponent, you are hitting him with tremendous disabling force. (Tip: Do not close your eyes while delivering a head-butt, or you may seriously disorient yourself.)
Just grab his ears or the hair at the back of his head, and ram your 11 pound skull into his nose.
“In reality,” Paul states, “as soon as you deliver this blow, it’s lights out, party over.” Even if you miss his nose, anywhere you do hit will deliver knockout power and trauma. This is a devastating move, so please use with extreme discretion.
Overall, defending yourself, even against a larger opponent, is pretty easy stuff. If you’re interested in discovering more — a lot more — I’ve put together “The Ultimate Guide To Fighting And Winning”. It’s eye opening stuff that will boost your skills and confidence.
You can download it for FREE at:
I hope this has helped. But before I leave, let me just add that ALL the fighters and military dudes I’ve met over the last 3 decades have one crucial piece of advice.
Here it is: If you can avoid a fight, you should.
They point out that the most unpredictable things can and will happen.
One fighter said that his 6’ 2” 230-pound buddy tried to break up a fight between two pipsqueaks slugging it out in a restaurant. Kinda like John Wayne enforcing the peace. Well, one of the pipsqueaks pulled out a knife and stabbed him dead, right there.
Point is, every fight can be lethal. Take that seriously. If you can just smile and walk away from some idiot who’s in your face, try that first.
Jimbo Curley
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