Inked Mag Staff
January 30th, 2019
13 Raunchy Religious Tattoos That Would Make a Nun Curse
Would You Get a Naughty Nun or Sinful Jesus Tattoo?
Religious tattoos are an extremely popular subject in shops around the world, however, many of the designs positively reflect the Christian faith. These tattoos on the other hand, how a far more sinful side to the imagery of nuns, popes and Jesus Christ. Take a look at the naughtiest, filthiest and most blasphemous ink we found online, then let us know your thoughts in the comments section on Facebook.

This nun has a unique way of reciting her Hail Marys.

What is going on with this golden shower crucifixion?

This nun is bad to the bone(r).

Is this how you swear in a new Pope?

Who doesn’t love a cross dildo, am I right?

Punishment comes in unique forms at the covenant.

Jesus came back from the dead to show the world how cunnilingus is done.

Double trouble and a ball gag.

At least he died with a smile on his face.

Those breasts are straight up Godly.

We always knew there was corruption in the church.

That’s one way to worship a pussy.

We can’t unsee this raunchy design.
What do you think about these sinful tattoos? Which unholy design was your favorite from our list? Let us know your thoughts, opinions, and questions on this story in the comments section on Facebook.
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