Inked Mag Staff
September 29th, 2020
Art for Redemption
This is an opportunity for the incarcerated to show the world that creativity thrives all around us, even behind bars.
The healing power of art cannot be understated. A piece of art can take you away from even the direst circumstances, even if only for a brief moment. As a former resident of a correctional facility, Buck Adams knows this truth intimately. During his time served, Adams became friends with many amazing artists and he walked out with the idea to showcase the artistic talent found “behind the walls.”

Adams is on a mission to find the most talented incarcerated artists around in an art contest like no other. Adams will choose 100-150 winners to have their work published in a beautiful coffee table book, but every artist who enters will have their work shared across Art For Redemption’s social media channels. All mediums of art will be considered—drawings, paintings, sculptures, etc. This is a chance to show the outside world that there can be beauty everywhere, even on the inside.

“My time out has been a whirlwind between the transition from ‘Prisoner’ to ‘Entrepreneur,’ and trying to launch this idea during a pandemic, social riots and unrest has been a considerable challenge,” Adams says. “This project along with prison reform that allows incarcerated individuals the chance to make money through their creative talent means a lot to me. I’ve worked with the Colorado Department of Corrections to make those changes here, and I hope that this project will help make changes in other systems as well. I truly believe in the idea of the marketplace that allows artists like yourself to show and sell their artwork online. I hope that you’ll consider helping me make this a reality.”
If you have a friend or loved one making great art behind bars, or if you have been incarcerated and would like to share your story with Adams on his podcast, head to for more information.
If you’re serving parole or in a halfway house, you can submit your application and artwork to the address below.
Art for Redemption LLC
C/O Commons on Champa
1245 Champa St.
Denver, CO 80204
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