Devon Preston
January 30th, 2019
Did Ariana Grande Misspell Her Palm Tattoo?
Check Out Ariana Grande's Brand New Palm Tattoo
On January 18th of 2019, Ariana Grande released the second single from her upcoming studio album, “7 Rings.” The song discussed her breakup with SNL comedian Pete Davidson and it debuted at number 1 in 15 countries. The music video was released on the very same day and currently has 100 million views.

In honor of her new single, Grande decided to stop by the private studio of Kane Navasard, a Los Angeles tattooer who has previously inked the singer’s Eevee piece earlier this month. Both Grande and Navasard posted the tattoo to their Instagram pages last night, sharing mutual excitement over the kanji palm design.

However, fans were quick to notice that the tattoo had been mistranslated. Grande had intended the piece to read “Seven Rings” in Japanese, after her hit song. However, her fans were quick to point out that the tattoo actually read BBQ Grill.

After fans pointed out the mistake, Grande removed the post from her Instagram and has yet to comment on the tattoo. However, lucky for her, palm tattoos fade extremely quickly because of the uniquely textured skin.

Next time, be sure to triple check the translation before getting tattooed in another language. Especially if you’re a big name celebrity with hundreds of millions of eyes on you. What do you think about Grande’s mistranslated tattoo? Let us know your thoughts, opinions and questions on this story in the comments section on Facebook.
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