Devon Preston
August 21st, 2019
Can the Artists Handle Cover Up Week?
Check out our recap of Ink Master season 12 episode 11
Last week, the artists were tasked with creating tattoos using another contestant’s line drawings. And in this challenge, Creepy Jason rose to the top and Alexis was sent home. This week, the coaches are back and it’s two of the most memorable veterans in the history of the show. Season 10 winner Josh Payne and season 8 (and Ink Master: Angels’) Nikki Simpson.

For their flash challenge, the artists were tested on detail and required to create intricate designs using only dice. Then men’s team opted to create an all seeing eye, with Nunez complimenting the glow they crafted. The women’s team designed a UFO beaming up a cow and Peck appreciated the gradients they crafted in the piece. And while both pieces were deserving of the win, the judges favored the women’s team.

For the elimination tattoo, the artists were presented with cover ups—a challenge that without fail trips up competitors every season.
First up, Creepy Jason created a black-and-grey owl to cover up a Celtic cross. Peck appreciated his approach to punching in the blacks and adding details to the piece.

Next up, Jake made a black-and-grey skull to cover up kanji. Nunez appreciated his use of the skin rips in between where the kanji was and Peck admired the varying textures he created within the skull.

Nunez complimented the simplicity of Pon’s tattoo and nails the application of a perfectly camouflaged cover up.

For Cam’s tattoo, Nunez wished the lion had more of a mane and less of a beard. Peck noted that in the cover up part, the mouth, it appeared that the lion had two tongues. Overall, Cam bit off more than he could chew for a six hour tattoo.

First up on the women’s team, the judges appreciated Dani’s approach to creating a stone bust for her cover up. However, Peck knocked her on the small size of the horn.

Laura covered a blue diamond with a colorful and creative alien, however, Nunez wished he could see something outside of her wheel house.

Although Holly was successful when it came to covering up the existing tattoo, the judges found the design to be clunky and unattractive.

Last up, Janelle created a colorful leopard tattoo and Nunez pointed out the shaky line work throughout the design.

When it came to picking the best cover up of the bunch, Creepy Jason had one of the most challenging tattoos to cover and in the end pulled the win for flawless application.

When it came to the bottom three, Cam, Holly, and Janelle were up for elimination this week. And while each artist had major problems with their tattoos, Janelle was eliminated for her application.

What do you think about this week’s episode? Did Creepy Jason have the best tattoo of the bunch? Did Janelle deserve to be sent home? Let us know your thoughts on Ink Master season 12 episode 11 in the comments section.
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