Devon Preston
September 4th, 2019
Front Runners are Tested with Neck Tattoos
Find out which artists rose to the occasion on this week's episode of Ink Master
Last week, the artists were tested on marketability by appealing to their clients with custom drawn tattoos. In the end, Creepy Jason won best tattoo of the day and it was Holly who was sent home. This week, there were four male artists and two female artists left in the competition. For the flash challenge, the artists were tasked with creating custom hubs for wheelchair users. In the end, Pon was picked as the winner and was given the opportunity to select the skull picks for the artists in this week’s elimination tattoo challenge.

This week, the artists were tasked with creating tattoos on the back of the neck, testing their finesse. First up, Pon created a black-and-grey traditional snake and while Peck appreciated the clean, consistent line-work he checked him on the tonal look of the piece.

Nunez loved Jake’s traditional plague doctor, appreciating his use of black as well as the flow of the individual elements in the piece.

Navarro enjoyed the perspective of Creepy Jason’s coffin design, however, Peck noted the wobbly line-work in the top of the tattoo.

Cam missed the mark when it came to the color saturation of the sacred heart and Peck found fault with the inconsistent design as well as the application of the swords.

Navarro liked the delicate and precise details of Laura’s mandala piece and Peck admired her use of rich blacks throughout the design.

While Dani’s tattoo soared when it came to her line-work and shading, she missed the mark when it came to being anatomically proportioned.

When it came to picking the best tattoo of the day, the judges selected Laura and that gave the women’s team the advantage of sending one artist to the bottom. They selected Cam, who was joined by Dani and Creepy Jason. However, in the end, it was Cam’s sloppy application that sent him home.

What did you think about this week’s episode? Which was your favorite tattoo? Did Cam deserve to be sent home? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section and stay tuned in to next Tuesday’s episode.
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