Inked Mag Staff
October 1st, 2020
31 Tattoos Inspired by Inktober 2020
Are you participating in Inktober?
Back in 2009, Inktober was created by illustrator Jake Parker to improve his artistic skills. Today, the official Inktober Instagram account has nearly a million followers and the challenge is performed by artists worldwide. Inktober is designed to encourage everyone to practice art, whether you’re a professional or can only draw stick figures.
The rules of Inktober are pretty straight forward. First, you make a drawing in ink. It’s okay if you sketch out your design in pencil. Second, you post your finished piece—whether that be on social media or your refrigerator. Third, if you’re posting to social media, you should hashtag your work with #inktober and #inktober2020. And last, repeat! Some participants adhere to posting for all 31 days, while others do every other day (a half-marathon) or once a week (a 5k).
Inktober began sharing an official prompt list in 2016, prior to that participants created their own ideas. This year, there’s a vast range of prompts—from straight forward concepts to more open ended adjectives. Take a look at 31 tattoos inspired by the prompts of Inktober 2020 in the gallery below, then let us know what you’re most excited to draw in the comments section on social media.
Prompt 1: Fish
Prompt 2: Wisp
Prompt 3: Bulky
Prompt 4: Radio
Prompt 5: Blade
Prompt 6: Rodent
Prompt 7: Fancy
Prompt 8: Teeth
Prompt 9: Throw
Prompt 10: Hope
Prompt 11: Disgusting
Prompt 12: Slippery
Prompt 13: Dune
Prompt 14: Armor
Prompt 15: Outpost
Prompt 16: Rocket
Prompt 17: Storm
Prompt 18: Trap
Prompt 19: Dizzy
Prompt 20: Coral
Prompt 21: Sleep
Prompt 22: Chef
Prompt 23: Rip
Prompt 24: Dig
Prompt 25: Buddy
Prompt 26: Hide
Prompt 27: Music
Prompt 28: Float
Prompt 29: Shoes
Prompt 30: Ominous
Prompt 31: Crawl
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