Devon Preston
August 27th, 2019
Joe Rogan Has His Mind Blown by an Incredible Portrait Tattoo
Can You Believe This Ink-redible Tattoo?
Joe Rogan may be known for hosting the who’s who of interviewees on his podcast, but over the years he’s become a public figure in his own right. Whether you know him for his color commentary in the UFC, hosting Fear Factor or headlining comedy specials on Netflix, Joe Rogan is undoubtedly a household name.

And when it comes to being a household name, there are a few things that come with the territory of fame and fortune. One of those things is having your likeness replicated in a portrait tattoo. While most celebrities today have become accustomed to seeing their face in a tattoo, it’s great to see a star humbled by the experience.

A few days ago, Rogan showed his appreciation for a portrait tattoo of himself by reacting in astonishment to the craftsmanship of the artwork, calling the artist a “wizard!” The tattoo was inked by the one and only Steve Butcher, an elite realism artist based in New Zealand. Butcher is known for creating incredible celebrity portraits and has a soft spot for inking sports figures in the NBA. Looks like he’s branching out to MMA these days.

However, this isn’t the first time Rogan has given a tattoo a shout out on his Instagram. It appears that this experience never gets old for the podcaster and we can’t blame him! Can you imagine having your face permanently tattooed on a stranger’s body?

Take a look at even more incredible portrait tattoos of Joe Rogan, which he may or may not be aware exist. It’s amazing how each artist put their own spin on his eccentric personality and gave their clients a beautiful yet unique design.

What do you think about these tattoos of Joe Rogan? Would you get a tattoo for your favorite celebrity or famous role model? Let us know your thoughts, opinions, and questions on this story in the comments section on Facebook.
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