Inked Mag
October 22nd, 2018
4 Most Regrettable Types of Tattoos
“You are going to regret that when you’re older” doesn’t apply to all tattoos anymore. But according to a survey, there are four types of tattoos that do qualify for reconsideration. No, the 90’s barbed wire trend doesn’t make the list. Keep your Post Malone forehead tattoo.

Tattoos are gaining popularity, and more importantly, acceptance. However, the truth that some tattoos may “catch up to you,” so to speak, applies to four types of tattoos that people most reportedly regret. These include: someone’s name, an asian character, a tribal pattern, and a star constellation. Thankfully, the 90’s barbed-wire trend doesn’t make the list, so you can keep your Post Malone forehead tattoo.
Dr Stephen Crabbe, a linguistics expert from the University of Portsmouth, commissioned a survey of 1,000 residents who had confessed to regretting their tattoos.

The survey also found that 1 in 3 people (30%) have considered getting a tattoo removed, while only 1 in 4 (25%) have already removed ink.
31% of men and 24% of women regretted daubing someone’s name permanently on their body.

For men, 13% regretted their tribal theme, and 13% regretted their Asian characters.
While Snooki proudly wants to add to her constellation galaxy sleeve, 16% of women regretted their star constellations. For women, 13% regretted their Asian characters.
16% of women felt judged for their tattoo, while the statistic for men was just 10%.
For the tattooed & regretful, 28% reported they would rather cover up their tattoo-in-question than remove it completely, and 18% admitted they would rather leave their regretted ink.

Getting someone’s name inked on their skin turned out, somewhat unsurprisingly, to be the number one decision looked back on with remorse.
Dr. Crabbe made an important note about the study. He said, “The results of this survey make for stark reading. Even today, society still seems to judge women more for having tattoos.”

In his reflections, Dr. Crabbe touched upon that people assume that those who regret their tattoos got inked when they were young, assume they were naive, or are victims of their own poor judgement. However, many of the respondents said that their tattoos-in-question didn’t hold the same meaning as they once did.

Another reason, for 53% reported that they simply got bored of their tattoos.
24% had said the color had faded over the years.
For 20% of people, the line work was poor.
Interestingly, both sexes had equal regret over tattoos located on the shoulders, chest, and upper back.

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