Dan Wickman
November 2nd, 2018
Mugshots with Bad Criminal Face Tattoos! 20 BAD Badass Tattoos!
Some serious TATTOO examples of what can only be described as ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR!
For decades, there was the unwritten rule of tattoo artists refusing to lay ink above the neck and past the wrists. That was unless you were a complete psycho or on the other side of the law. Well, the first body part to break that rule and become part of mainstream tattoo culture were the hands. Knuckles and the back of the hand became a popular place to show how much of a true rebel you were. A few decades later face tattoos began to inch their way in tattoo society and then thanks to soundcloud rappers, facial tattoos are now no longer anything special.
Well, here are 20 people who have combined their obvious lack of logical behavior (they’ve been arrested) with some very suspect facial ink!

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