Jessinta Smith
December 5th, 2019
National Ninja Day Tattoos
They're pretty kickass
National Ninja Day is marked as December 5th, after the burger chain Ninja Burgers wanted to promote their “ninja speed” delivery. But everyone loves ninjas- it’s what many kids dream of becoming and adults fantasize in their secret daydreams. Some adults even get their fav warriors inked on them permanently.
Why do people love ninjas? Well, they are cool AF and know a lot of sick fighting- but ninjas were seen as dishonorable in Japan, so what changed? Samurai’s were used by emperors and royalty, and ninjas were sneaky and used “dishonoring” methods of attack. They were masters of physical and psychological warfare, and for many of them their victims were whoever the highest bidder pleased. The primary purpose of a ninja is to win at whatever the cost.
Jackie Chan, Chuck Norris, etc are the Western idea of the ninja- soft and kind, along with the kickass skills of the before-times. They represent strength and softness on top of their ruthless killing abilities. The ninja has been the day one silent killer, but Western imagery has turned these once assassins into the heroes of children and adults alike.
Ninjas and the tattoos people get of them ultimately represent different things to different people, making tattoos of the subjects expansive and diverse. Some people try to stick with funny ninjas, while others opt for more powerful pieces- giving them different styles and vibes. They tell you a fair amount about the people who are rocking ninja ink, and how they view themselves- as with many tattoos, they can be a look into a person’s soul.
What ninja tattoo would you get?
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