Devon Preston
April 17th, 2019
What We Now Know About Yoji Harada’s Death
Take a look at what's occurred since the Miami Ink star's passing
On March 27th, 2019 tattoo artist, musician, and Miami Ink alumni Yoji Harada passed away. At the time of his passing, dozens of tattooers and public figures posted their condolences, even sharing a Go Fund Me page created by Ami James for Harada’s daughter Sidney.

The goal of the Go Fund Me fundraiser was to not only bring Harada’s body back to the United States from Holland, but to donate the remaining proceeds to his 11-year-old daughter. Currently, after three weeks, the goal has yet to be reached despite Harada’s popularity and the fundraiser’s backing by figures such as Ami James.

Stay tuned in to learn more about Harada and his passing. Let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section.
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