Inked Mag Staff
December 7th, 2016
Breaking News: Kelly Doty Reveals Her Master Canvas
Last night during the live Ink Master Finale, a fan-favorite, Kelly Doty was not saved by America through Twitter voting and was eliminated from competition before showing off her 24-hour…
Last night during the live Ink Master Finale, a fan-favorite, Kelly Doty was not saved by America through Twitter voting and was eliminated from competition before showing off her 24-hour master canvas chest piece. Inked editors were in the studio during the live broadcast and in case it didn’t come through your television screens, after Kelly was sent to the sidelines the crowd, disgusted with America’s vote, chanted Kelly’s name leading her to cry tears of thanks on her stool. Minutes ago she revealed her chest piece through her Instagram.

Doty wrote: “Spoilers! Well that was all quite a ride. This is my 24-hour master canvas that I did for last nights @spikeinkmaster#inklive finale. I’m really proud of it and my only regret is that I didn’t get the chance to show everyone. But I want to thank Caleb, my master canvas, for sitting through a grueling 24 hours and letting me do this on him! And I want to thank the AMAZING and rowdy crowd last night for being so supportive! I’ve never experienced anything like that before, and as kind of a weirdo, it meant everything to me. The amount of support from my friends and heroes and family (which are often one and the same) has been beyond amazing and I really don’t have the words for it. I just don’t. And to@ryanashleymalarkey and @giankarle, there’s no one more deserving to be up there. You’re both some of the hardest working most genuine people I’ve gotten to meet and you have earned everything good that comes from this. I’m so happy for both of you, and very excited for@ryanashleymalarkey and the incredible accomplishment she’s achieved! Final note: I appreciate everyone’s support more than you know but please remember we don’t need to tear others down to build ourselves up. Thank you all again. And thank you so much to@spikeinkmaster and @davenavarro@oliverpecker and my captain@chrisnunezhandcrafted for this surreal opportunity! #inkmaster#inkmasterseason8.”

See More of Kelly Doty’s work here.
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