Devon Preston
December 14th, 2018
75+ Best Tattoos of 2018
These Tattoos Earned the Most Love on Our Instagram in 2018
This year, hundreds and hundreds of artists from around the world created beautiful and amazing tattoo designs. And for many of them, we shared their incredible work with our fans on our Instagram, @inkedmag. Every year, we evaluate the most liked tattoos and it’s time to share the results with you. There is truly something for everyone on this list and you might be surprised to learn which pieces were the fan favorites of 2018. Take a peek at the tattoos in the gallery below, then share your thoughts in the comments section on Facebook.

Take a look at the best of 2018 below

Tattoo by @jakconnollyart

Tattoo by @yaron_messelis_tattoo

Tattoo by @vinzflag

Tattoo by @troyslackink

Tattoo by @tonymancia

Tattoo by @thedavidcote

Tattoo by @thebakery

Tattoo by @teneile_napoli

Tattoo by @tater_tatts

Tattoo by @stevebutchertattoos

Tattoo by @stepanovtattoo

Tattoo by @stefan_tattoos

Tattoo by @snot_tattoo

Tattoo by @sergey_shanko

Tattoo by @ondrashtattoo

Tattoo by @migelly

Tattoo by @matt_pettis_tattoo

Tattoo by @maioink

Tattoo by @maioink

Tattoo by @magda_hanke

Tattoo by

Tattoo by @klaushufruhmann

Tattoo by @k_peanut_

Tattoo by @julian.siebert

Tattoo by @josephhaefstattooer

Tattoo by @jean_pierre_mottin

Tattoo by @jakconnollyart

Tattoo by @helenadarling

Tattoo by @harrison_tattoo

Tattoo by @handshakesnaketattoos

Tattoo by @goldlagrimas

Tattoo by @gara_tattooer

Tattoo by @evgenia_sin

Tattoo by @evanolintattoo

Tattoo by @drkturcotte

Tattoo by @dodepras_tattoo

Tattoo by @dbkaye

Tattoo by @daveeblows

Tattoo by @dannyelliott_ink

Tattoo by @danielsilvatattoos

Tattoo by @danielpaarup_tattoo

Tattoo by @damiano.petraccia

Tattoo by @curtyoung

Tattoo by @chris_showstoppr

Tattoo by @chehomova_dasha

Tattoo by @cheeseburgerchampion

Tattoo by @brandochiesa

Tattoo by @braddoulttattooartist

Tattoo by @billy_heil

Tattoo by @bekker_konstantin

Tattoo by @anrijsstraume

Tattoo by @angeliquegrimmtattoo

Tattoo by @alisa_tesla_art

Tattoo by @alessandro_capozzi

Tattoo by @dodepras_tattoo

Tattoo by @_honart_

Tattoo by @shiryutattoo

Tattoo by @mrcoffeybean

Tattoo by @michaeltaguet

Tattoo by @laky_tattoo

Tattoo by @kaylarrrrr

Tattoo by @joicewangtattoos

Tattoo by @joe_carpenter

Tattoo by @jacksonmay_tattooist

Tattoo by @inkbynico

Tattoo by @ilya_fom_43

Tattoo by @findyoursmile

Tattoo by @davidmention

Tattoo by @coreymaynetattoo

Tattoo by @bk_tattooer

Tattoo by @bangxganji

Tattoo by @_honart_

Tattoo by @dasssart

Tattoo by @cebaztattoo

Tattoo by @bk_tattooer
What do you think about the most popular tattoos of 2018? Which tattoo on our list was your favorite? Let us know your thoughts, opinions and questions in the comments section on Facebook.
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