Inked Mag Staff
February 15th, 2016
Funny Butt Tattoos
These Tattoos Crack Us Up!
Butts are funny. Does it make us juvenile to say so? Probably, but we don’t care. Butts just makes us giggle, especially when they have been inked with a guffaw causing tattoo. Most of the jokes are a little on the lowbrow side of things, but they give us the giggles nonetheless. Don’t believe us? We challenge you to make your way through this gallery without a smile on your face.

I found him!

I can’t say that I’m surprised to learn that this is where cupcakes come from.

Hi ho, hi ho…

Someone needs to call the exterminator.

Subtlety is overrated.

Comic book guy might have a point here.

Assburger just doesn’t sound all that appetizing.

Watch out Pac Man! There’s a hidden warp tunnel….

Boobs! Or butt? Or boobs? We’re so confused….

Clearly not a vegan.

Yes, it does. Not too far from here, either…

This man has a bunch of different butt tattoos that made us smile.

Kiss my shiny metal ass!

Butts on butts on butts on butts on butts on butts on butts….
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