Inked Mag Staff
April 28th, 2015
54-Year-Old Woman Has 69 ‘Twilight’ Tattoos
When it comes to superfans, it’s pretty hard to top the ones who live in the Twilight camp. Cathy Ward, a 54-year-old “Twihard,” is literally a walking billboard for her…
When it comes to superfans, it’s pretty hard to top the ones who live in the Twilight camp. Cathy Ward, a 54-year-old “Twihard,” is literally a walking billboard for her obsession. She has spent more than 135 hours in a tattoo artist’s chair getting 69 Twilight-themed tattoos.
“I have every single one of the charcters tattooed [on my body],” she says in the video interview below. “I have virtually the entire main cast.”
Ward got her first Twilight tattoo—a version of the Twilight: New Moon movie poster on her back—five years ago after her mother passed away and she wanted to pull herself out of the rut that she was in. A friend gave her a copy of the first film, and Ward says that the main story and characters just resonated with her. And now she’s more confident than ever. “I used to be a bit of a wallflower,” Ward says. “I used to hide in the corners at parties. I used to sort of keep myself out of conversations and stay in the background.”
We all have things that are important to us for our own reasons. For Ward, that is Twilight. The film that inspired her to change her life also inspired the ink on her body. “Because of the body art, I can’t hide anymore,” says Ward. “I’m a lot more outgoing, a lot more positive.”
Ward’s most recent addition to her Twilight shrine is a tattoo of a filmstrip with scenes from the movie. But that’s not her last. She hopes to eventually have a full body suit of Twilight tattoos.
Watch the videos below to hear Cathy Ward’s whole story.

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