Devon Preston
October 19th, 2018
Can You Spot the Major Tattoo No-No Even Demi Lovato Made?
This Mistake Often Goes Unnoticed by Tattoo Clients
It’s no secret that celebrities make plenty of tattoo mistakes, however, for the most part, their mistakes lie in their selection of an artist. You don’t need to be a tattoo artist to tell that some of these musicians’ work is shoddy, but, in some circumstances, there are rules or practices that are understood by the tattoo community that mainstream society is not aware of.

For example, let’s talk about micro tattoos. Micro tattoos are a huge trend in the tattoo world today, largely in part because of celebrity collectors. Many big name celebrities have taken on this trend, however, they frequently disregard rules about placement and technique. If you look at someone like Miley Cyrus, you can see that she has a handful of micro tattoos spread out over her arms. And while this is totally okay, she’s prevented herself from getting larger pieces because she’s planted a tiny piece smack in the center of a large open canvas.

Yet the rules surrounding micro tattoos and placement have only come into popular discussion for the past several years, while other rules have been practiced since the start of modern tattooing in the West.
Take a look at the gallery below to see how Demi Lovato and other tattoo collectors have broken one of the industry’s biggest rules—perhaps without even realizing it! Then once you’ve uncovered her tattoo no-no, let us know what you think about this rule in the comments section on Facebook. Are you a tattoo traditionalist or a modern movement type of collector?
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