Inked Mag Staff
August 7th, 2015
Father Shows His Love For Daughter With a Cochlear Implant Tattoo
It’s about to get a little dusty in here. If you are reading this in a place where you don’t want people to see you tear up we recommend you…
It’s about to get a little dusty in here. If you are reading this in a place where you don’t want people to see you tear up we recommend you bookmark it and come back later. Alistair Campbell, a father from New Zealand, got one of the most touching tattoos that we have ever seen. His six-year-old daughter Charlotte has a condition that has left her with severe hearing loss and she requires a cochlear implant. Shortly before Charlotte went to the doctor to be fitted with a new implant—as children grow they require new implants every couple of years—Campbell decided to show his solidarity with his daughter through a tattoo.
After shaving his head, Campbell had an artist tattoo a cochlear implant identical to his daughters on to the side of his skull. While speaking with the New Zealand HeraldCampbell explained that this ink was his very first tattoo. While she is still very young and may not appreciate the full gravity of what her father has done, Charlotte touched the tattoo upon seeing it for the first time and deemed it to be “cool.” We couldn’t agree more.
Is there any better way for a parent to show that they love their child through thick and thin than by getting some ink like this? One must imagine that this type of statement must be incredibly meaningful for a little one. Since children can be horrifically mean at times, one must imagine that young Charlotte has been made fun of by her peers for having a cochlear implant. So when her father makes the choice to have one on his head as well it must have made the little girl’s heart explode with joy.
It’s always amazing to see when tattoos get used in this way; the art transcends to something more meaningful when a story like Campbell’s is involved. If you want to hear the story of another amazing parent who did a similar thing, read this article. At this link you can find the story of a touching tattoo a father got while his daughter was battling cancer.

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