Devon Preston
June 3rd, 2019
Black Ink Crew: Chicago Tattoo Artists Sued After Beating Up Party Guest
Take a look at the fight which has gone from TV screens to the court house
Black Ink Crew: Chicago is a spin-off series of the original Harlem-based show which first premiered in October of 2015. The show follows the dramatic interactions of 9MAG and stars tattoo artists Ryan Henry, Van Johnson, Phor Brumfield, Don Brumfield, Charmaine Walker, and Liliana Barrios.

Like its New York counterpart, Black Ink Crew: Chicago has featured a number of physical fights throughout its five season run, whether between the main cast, their acquaintances, or complete strangers. And while most have accepted that kicking it with the 9Mag artists can come with consequences, a former party guest is fighting back—with a lawsuit.
According to legal documents, a man named Ronnie Spates claimed that he was attacked by BIC cast members Ryan Henry, Van Johnson, Don Brumfield, and Junior Diaz at a party back in December of 2018. Spates claimed that the 9Mag tattooers kicked the crap out him and the producers encouraged violent conflicts for the cameras. In a story broken by TMZ, Chicago police were called after Diaz allegedly sucker punched Spates and when authorities arrived on the scene, the victim was bleeding, disoriented, and needed to be taken to a hospital for stitches. Now, Spates is not only suing the shows cast members, but Big Fish Entertainment, who produces the VH1 series.
What do you think of this BIC scandal? Let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section.
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