Devon Preston
November 5th, 2019
Take a Tour of the Dolan Twins’ Tattoos
Check out the ink of YouTube's most popular twins
Ethan and Grayson Dolan are two of YouTube’s biggest stars, with 10.6 million subscribers on their channel. They’re known for their challenge style videos and have won a number of Teen Choice Awards for their contributions to the platform. Since starting their channel in 2014, the now 19-year-old twins have began collecting tattoos and have documented the process of gaining ink throughout their social pages. We did a deep dive and curated each one of their pieces in one gallery, now it’s time you took a peek at their bodies’ of work.
Grayson Dolan

Nothing “Matters” on ankle

“Commit!” on foot

Angel’s wing on ankle

“Grind” on lower lip

Kid Cudi’s “Man on the Moon” album cover on thigh

Kid Cudi’s “Day N Nite” figures on ankle, pine tree on foot

Flaming pool ball, Jack-o-lantern, constellation and “Overcome/Numb” on thigh

Birdcage on thigh

Bat girl on thigh

Tiger on knee

Angel and ghouls on thigh

“Everything/myself” on thigh

Lynx and black band on calf

“T” with gorilla face on foot

“Ethan” in heart on sole of foot

Skeleton hands on thigh

“XXX” on foot

“Famiglia per sempre” on leg
Sun on knee
Ethan Dolan
“Only my angels know” on collarbone
Crown on back
“Can’t Fold” on palm

Double skill, door to galaxy, flame, “XXX,” constellation, Roman candle, “Familglia per sempre, clock, and skull ice-cream cone on thigh

Woman’s hand, wold head and 8 on thigh

Owl on thigh

Camera, lightening bolt, and “Animal” on ankle

Roman numeral for their birthday on ankle

Magnifying glass and three moons on ankle

“Create” on inner lip

Moon skull on thigh

Flower head girl on ribs

Watercolor flower on thigh

Video game character on thigh

Cross-stitch flying heart on ankle

Crow skull on hip

Eye on back of thigh

“A Distant Shore” poem on leg

Black snake on thigh

Stars on palm, “3737” on fingers
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