Devon Preston
June 18th, 2019
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Laser Tattoo Removal
Your laser removal guide from blistering to number of sessions
For over a year, I’ve been working on removing a tattoo. And before going through this process, I was very misinformed about the process and had no idea what to expect. However, I’ve learned quite a bit about procedure after three sessions and I’ve realized how little people understand about what it takes to remove a tattoo. But, luckily, you won’t be stuck in the shadows for much longer. Here are 5 things that I didn’t know about laser tattoo removal one year ago that can help you to get rid of a regrettable tattoo in the future.
It Takes Time to Remove a Tattoo
While I realized that tattoo removal takes many sessions to take affect, I wasn’t always sure why. Here’s the thing. The laser works by penetrating the layer of skin that holds the pigment and breaking it up so that your body can absorb it and remove it through the blood stream. This process takes a lot of time and it may take months between sessions for you to notice fading. But, as long as you’re going to a reputable professional, know that the process is working—even if it’s at a snail’s pace.
Tanning is a Big No-No
Although many of us may want to remove our ink when they come out on display during the warmer months, having a tan can be dangerous during the removal process. The excess of melanin in your skin may cause bad reactions during the laser removal process and clients are advised to get removal during seasons with the least amount of skin exposure.

Blistering is Normal
Blistering is an unfortunate side effect of laser tattoo removal, especially during the later sessions when the intensity of the machine is ramped up. If you experience blistering as a result of laser removal, make sure to keep the area clean at all times. Popping blisters can lead to infections, so we recommend to avoid touching the affected areas until the healing process is complete.

Skin Tone Plays a Huge Factor in the Removal Process
Melanin plays a huge part in how quickly and effectively a tattoo can be removed. The more contrast there is between the skin and the tattoo, the more intense the laser technician can be during each session. However, with black or brown skin, the technician needs to be extremely careful during the process to prevent damage from occurring.

Every Tattoo Reacts Differently
Just like every skin tone reacts differently to laser tattoo removal, so does every tattoo. You will see very different results on tattoos that have had the same amount of sessions depending on the thickness of the line work, the style of shading, the colors used, and of course, the age of tattoo.
It’s important to remember that this process is extremely individualized and every person’s tattoo will be handled differently throughout their removal journey. Just because one person’s tattoo was removed in one to two sessions doesn’t mean their experience is universal. Laser tattoo removal takes patience and it’s important for candidates to be aware of the unique factors that can come into play throughout the process.
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