Devon Preston
February 27th, 2020
Ryan Ashley Debuts Baby Bump on the Cover of Inked
Take a look back at Ryan Ashley's covers with Inked Magazine
We’ve been alongside Ryan Ashley through some of her biggest milestones and have the magazine covers to prove it. Ryan Ashley first gained notoriety after appearing and taking it all on season eight of “Ink Master,” becoming the first woman in the history of the franchise to win the grand prize. And she not only walked away with a feature in our magazine, but landed the cover. In Ryan Ashley’s first cover story, she talked about how it felt to be the Ink Master and to make history for female tattooers world wide.

“It feels indescribably surreal to be categorized with other female tattooers—or with tattooers in general that have made history,” Ryan Ashley shared in her April 2017 cover story. “But I am not the first, or the last, so I try to remain grounded and always remain thankful by remembering all the tattooers before me who paved the way to make this opportunity possible for my generation of artists.”
Following her success on “Ink Master,” Ryan Ashley went on to star in her own spin-off, “Ink Master: Angels,” with fellow season eight contestants Kelly Doty and Nikki Simpson. The series premiered in October 2017 and despite only running for two seasons, it introduced a number of fan favorite artists to the franchise—such as Deanna Smith, Daniel Silva, Teej Poole and Tony Medellin.

After leaving “Ink Master: Angels,” Ryan Ashley put her focus into living in New York City and perfecting her craft. But, along the way, her life changed forever when she met tattoo artist Arlo DiCristina. DiCristina is no stranger to the spotlight of the tattoo industry, having carved a place for himself as one of the most sought after surrealism artists in the world. These two tattooers proved to be a match made in heaven and it wasn’t long before the pair decided to showcase their love for each other in a very public way—on the cover of Inked.
“To be honest, everything has changed,” Ryan Ashley says in her January 2019 cover story. “Every aspect of my life has done a 180 in the past few years, but I’m not sure if it’s directly due to winning ‘Ink Master’ or just growing up in general. But either way, one thing is for sure, the last few years have been a wild ride of facing many obstacles, experiencing new aspects of life and a crash course in becoming the woman I am today.”

Although Ryan Ashley’s life was already busy as can be, life got even crazier in 2019. In 2019, Ryan Ashley and Arlo DiCristina tied the knot in a private ceremony in Colorado. According to Ryan Ashley, DiCristina proposed to her with a hand-carved marble engagement ring.
Another big change that happened for Ryan Ashley in 2019 was “Ink Master: Grudge Match.” This show brought together Ryan Ashley, Cleen Rock One and DJ Tambe as judges, allowing the three masters to critique tattoos done by the franchise’s alumni.
“The day that I got the call, Arlo and I were talking about the show and he said, ‘Why don’t you talk to the network about doing a show where people who have competed come back and the winners judge,” Ryan Ashley shares in the November 2019 article. “And then about an hour and a half later, I got the call for this show.”
But as it happens, that wasn’t the only exciting call the Ink Master got that day, “And then 10 minutes after that call, my little sister called and told me that she was pregnant,” Ryan Ashley explains. “It was the craziest day of my life.”

But can 2020 possibly top Ryan Ashley’s whirlwind 2019? As it turns out, she’s ready to reveal her biggest milestone yet. We’re proud to announce Ryan Ashley and her baby bump as the stars of our April 2020 cover. That’s right, Ryan Ashley is expecting and we’ve got the inside scoop.
“SURPRISE! As you can see, much has changed for me in recent life,” Ryan Ashley shares in her April 2020 cover story. “It feels like I’ve grown up on the cover of this magazine, sharing each new chapter as it’s come along. I’ve left NYC, moved to Colorado, started the huge church of Elysium project with Arlo (coming soon), got married, and now this new chapter. This one feels more like the sequel to my own life rather than a new chapter, because since the day we found out we were going to be parents nothing has been the same.”

To pre-order Ryan Ashley’s April 2020 cover, CLICK HERE and learn more about her pregnancy experience for yourself.
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