Devon Preston
March 26th, 2019
This Artist Specializes in “Left Hand Tattooing”
Would you get a tattoo done in the style of your non-dominant hand?
For many tattoo artists in the industry, perfection is the goal—whether that be through crisp linework, bulletproof saturation, or a visually appealing composition. However, for this Berlin-based tattoo artist, they’re striving for the exact opposite

Guik (Misanthropie) specializes in left hand or ignorant style tattoos. Their tattoos are intentionally imperfect and resemble the drawings of young children. Yet, they’ve developed a social media presence and has gained the recognition of major tattooers such as Hannah Pixie. And in addition to creating tattoos, Guik also supports a tool called the Queer Bodmod Compass, which connects LGBTQ+ artists from around the globe. Take a look at their work in the gallery below and let us know your thoughts on the tattoos in teh comments section.
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