Devon Preston
October 24th, 2018
This Influencer’s Tattoo Fail is Totally Unfixable
We Can't Believe This Crazy Mistake!
Unfortunately, for every good tattoo out there, there are at least ten bad ones. Despite the advancements the industry has made and the incredible help social media has been to improving the technical and artistic talent of tattooers—mistakes still happen every day. One of the most common mistakes made by tattooers is misspellings and typos. Almost every artist out there has made a spelling mistake at least once in their career and for the most part, these errors can be fixed. However one thing that can’t be done is turning back time and once a photograph is posted to Instagram, people are bound to notice a tattoo fail.

This was the case for Turkish influencer, model and reality star Naz Mila, who posted a brand new tattoo earlier this week. Mila is one of the most popular influencers in Turkey, with nearly a million followers and counting.

Mila gained a following after appearing on a dating show in Turkey and has maintained a growing fanbase through her provocative photoshoots and selfies.

However, not even Mila’s perfect physique could have saved her from the scrutiny she would receive after posting a photograph of her brand new tattoo.

Over the weekend, Mila went to the Ramazan Silver Tattoo Shop in Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul. After finishing her tattoo, which spans from below her breast to her kneecap, the influencer took a selfie with her tattoo artist.

However, her 850K fans were quickly able to spot the HUGE mistake in Mila’s gigantic new tattoo.

Mila’s tattoo is of a popular Turkish phrase, which when translated correctly reads ‘only God can judge my mistakes and truths.’ Yet, as you can see, this is not the phrase the model wound up with.

Instead, Mila’s tattoo reads ‘I can judge a single god with my wrongs and wrongs.’ The tattoo fail is clearly the result of a bad translation, however, this doesn’t excuse what has become a very permanent and very public mistake.

Currently, Mila has taken down the photo from her Instagram and no further references has been made by the influencer about her ink. We hope that Mila learned her lesson from the international shame she received for her tattoo fail and her fans will think before they ink!
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